Default On A Private Student Loan

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Default On A Private Student Loan – Federal student loans are issued by the government after the student or their family fills out the FAFSA form. The terms are set by law and include special protections (such as fixed interest rates and income-based repayment plans) not usually associated with private loans. Unlike federal loans, private loans are issued by private companies such as banks or credit unions. Private loans have conditions set by the lender. Private student loans are generally more expensive and offer fewer benefits and protections than federal student loans.

Information about federal student loans can be found at If you don’t know the name of your lender or servicer and can’t find your loan information on, you most likely have a private loan. You can find information about your private loan by checking your credit report.

Default On A Private Student Loan

Default On A Private Student Loan

All student loan information that appears on your account is a federal loan. Borrowers often have both government and private loans. If you have a loan that does not appear on your account, it is important to check your credit report to find out who your private lending company is.

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Federal loans have fixed interest rates that are usually lower than private loans. Private student loans can have variable or fixed interest rates. Interest rates on private student loans can be higher or lower than interest rates on federal loans.

Only federal student loans have government-mandated repayment plans. If you have a private student loan and are having trouble making your monthly payments, you should contact your loan servicer and ask about the repayment plans they offer. One of the most daunting challenges facing the US economy is the rising tide of student loan debt. According to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York:

Of course, with this level of indebtedness, we see an increase in the level of default on these loans. According to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, of the students who left college in 2010 and 2011, 28% defaulted on their loans within five years. In comparison, the default rate for those who left school five years earlier is 19%.

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Last November, the Fed released an analysis titled “Who’s More Likely to Default on Student Loans?” In this post, we will summarize the analysis from November.

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The Fed’s research focused on people born between 1980 and 1986. It also tracked college attendance and student loan default status by age. The survey asked five questions about defaulting on student loans:

The chart below shows student loan defaults based on six variables, covering private nonprofit and public schools.

The study then examined how degree status and program type are related to student loan repayment:

Default On A Private Student Loan

Clearly, the premium paid for a four-year bachelor’s degree is worth it, especially in terms of reducing the likelihood of loan default.

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The final set of variables examined in this study was family background, specifically family income. People were categorized based on their median income in 2010 according to the zip code they lived in, leading to two groups: people from areas with a median income above $55,000 and people from areas with a median income below $55,000.

Overall, attending a four-year, private, for-profit college is most strongly correlated with the likelihood of student loan default. Default is the second strongest variable associated with insolvency.

The long-term consequence, of course, is that “life outcomes” such as being able to buy a home and maintain good credit will vary widely among student loan holders, depending on their educational choices and family background. Domino Media: Student Debt Blog How Private Student Loans Exacerbate Racial Disparities in the Student Loan Market

Nationwide, approximately 45 million borrowers owe a total of $1.7 trillion in student debt, including more than $140 billion in private student debt. Private student loans—issued by banks and other private lenders without federal government interference—are playing an increasingly important role in the broader student loan market and, by extension, in the student debt crisis. The private student loan market expanded rapidly in the years following the Great Recession, outpacing the growth of the mortgage, auto loan and credit card markets. Despite the industry’s assurances that the private student loan market is free of borrower distress, a closer look at the results suggests that certain subgroups of borrowers are struggling disproportionately with private student debt—namely, black and Hispanic borrowers.

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These differences are particularly acute in the private student loan market. Although they are less than half as likely to take out private student loans, black students are four times more likely to have difficulty repaying private student debt compared to their white peers. This difference is concerning, especially considering that private student loans carry additional risks for borrowers. Unlike federal student loans, private student loans contain fewer protections that help mitigate defaults when borrowers face economic hardship. Distressed borrowers then have fewer opportunities to seek relief for unpaid debts because default relief programs are left up to the lender.

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Moreover, students attending for-profit institutions are more likely to use expensive private student loans to finance their education, including largely unregulated concurrent student debt—a subset of the largely unsupervised and often exploitative borrowing and lending products of for-profit student loans. Key features of these products often include high interest rates, false marketing and risky insurance policies. Because black students are overrepresented at these institutions, the effects of this predatory debt fall disproportionately on the black community.

The burden of the student debt crisis is not borne equally—Black and Hispanic borrowers bear some of the most serious debt-related consequences stemming from systemic discrimination that extends into our nation’s financial markets. Economic exclusionary policies and racial discrimination have contributed to a racial wealth gap where the average white household has 13 times the wealth of the average black household and 10 times the wealth of the average Hispanic household. Thus, the typical white student loan borrower will pay off nearly 95 percent of his loans within 20 years of entering college, while his black peers will still

Default On A Private Student Loan

95 percent of the original state after the same period. Debt-fueled higher education only reinforces and exacerbates these systemic barriers, and a deeper examination of the nuances surrounding borrower outcomes in the private student loan market shows similar trends.

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The opacity of the private student loan market only deepens concerns about disparate loan outcomes and repayment difficulties, as well as the predatory targeting of black borrowers. There is extremely little data available on the private student loan market and how borrowers are performing in it, in part because the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau under Trump abandoned efforts in 2017 to finally collect comprehensive information from companies operating in the space. With this in mind, the stark racial disparities already visible in the market in the limited statistics currently available should serve as a call to action for regulators to rigorously monitor private student lenders for practices that may disparately affect black borrowers. In the absence of rigorous oversight from the CFPB, states can continue to fill this gap by conducting independent oversight and introducing new protections at the state level.

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The student debt crisis is a civil rights crisis. As policymakers seek to improve the economic mobility of the most vulnerable communities, it is critical that they take action to address the role of private student loans in exacerbating financial hardship and wealth disparities. Disparate repayment outcomes in the private student loan market, coupled with for-profit institutions targeting black borrowers with predatory private student loans, call for increased protections for private student loan borrowers.

Borrowers need affirmative safeguards against harmful practices in the private student loan market that exacerbate systemic racial barriers in black and Hispanic communities. A college education should open the door to economic mobility, not burden borrowers with debt that further deepens racial inequality.

Kat Welbeck is a civil rights advisor at the Student Borrower Advocacy Center. She previously held the position of Public Relations and Engagement Specialist in the CFPB’s Office of Public Engagement and Community Liaison. For the third year in a row, the nation’s three-year student loan repayment rate – as well as rates in the public and property sectors – fell slightly, according to new data from the Department of Education (ED). Average cohort default rates for private and foreign institutions increased slightly.

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Annual data released Wednesday showed the national default rate for this group fell from 11.8% for borrowers whose loans were repaid in fiscal 2012 to 11.3% for those who repaid in fiscal 2013. Three years ago, the ED changed its formula for calculating group default rates to determine the percentage of loans in arrears three years after repayment begins. Previously, default rates in the cohort followed two years of loan repayment.

The federal default rate included in the new data measures the percentage of borrowers who defaulted between October 1, 2012 and September 20, 2013.

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